East Elementary School


  • Welcome Back Students and Staff!

    Posted on    Posted in Mr. Chomlak's Principal Messages

    Wow! It seems like we just left for summer holidays and now we are all returning. The past couple of weeks the school has been buzzing with activity. Teachers are in their rooms setting up and planning, our custodians are completing the amazing cleaning they did this break, and we are all excited for the students to walk through our doors. We have some changes and new staff this year that I would like to share with you.  Ms. Niederlag is teaching AM Pre-Kindergarten and Mrs. Nikolaev is teaching full day Pre-Kindergarten.  Miss. Smith moved to grade 3 and Miss. McRae will be teaching half time music and half time grade 3.  In addition, Mrs. Lysgaard is now teaching our Monday and Wednesday Kindergarten class.  I am confident that we have an exceptional staff and they will do an amazing job educating your children.

    This summer I had the fortune of travelling to Cuba with my two boys.  We had an awesome adventure and really enjoyed the opportunity to visit a foreign culture and see the many exciting tourist attractions.  When speaking with the Cuban people, my questions would often slowly move to education and how their school structure works.  I was not surprised to hear that education is very important in their society and it is something that many Cuban people value.  I believe that in Canada we are very fortunate to have the amazing education systems that we do and to have the ability to provide our younger generations the opportunity to learn, to grow, and to achieve.  Education is much like the beach I sat on in Cuba, once you have it, it becomes easy to take for granted, but once it is gone, you certainly miss it.

    I look forward to seeing all of you and I know we will have a fantastic year!


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