East Elementary School
This event has a video call. Join: https://meet.google.com/pyi-yppm-vek
Orders and complete payment for June hot lunch orders are due today.
Leaving 8:45, returning 2:45
This event has a video call. Join: https://meet.google.com/zta-cjym-byk
M/W Kinder, and Grades 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6
PreK, T/Th Kinder, and Grade 4s
Visit https://eastelementary.hotlunches.net to make your order. Don't forget to pay in full before the deadline at 8pm.
Check out our flyer here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17YLHjy5ZgsOTQML6t4JfyHB15FfegXF6/view* You can place your order until Friday, November 18 using this link: https://eastelementaryschoolspiritwear.itemorder.com/
Virtual Book Fair - SAVE THESE DATES! East Elementary School’s Book Fair is going online, so save these dates! You can shop from over 450 items any time on our Virtual Book Fair website from November 21-25, 2022, and discover exciting new and bestselling titles from the comfort of your home. Bonus: Every purchase supports our school and...
Students and staff are invited to come to school wearing their best mustache or beard- all to support awareness for men's health!