East Elementary School
Orders and complete payment for May hot lunch orders are due today. https://eastelementary.hotlunches.net/admin/
The Grade 6 classes will walk to ELJHS for an in-person tour and presentation in the morning. In the evening, at 7pm, parents are invited to visit for more information...
This event has a video call. Join: https://meet.google.com/pyi-yppm-vek
Orders and complete payment for June hot lunch orders are due today.
Leaving 8:45, returning 2:45
This event has a video call. Join: https://meet.google.com/zta-cjym-byk
M/W Kinder, and Grades 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6
PreK, T/Th Kinder, and Grade 4s
Visit https://eastelementary.hotlunches.net to make your order. Don't forget to pay in full before the deadline at 8pm.