East Elementary School


  • Never Give Up!

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    Greetings Parents and Caregivers!

    I hope you all had a fantastic spring break!  Recently, my family moved to a different house and my spring break was filled with exciting household repairs and maintenance.  I would not consider myself handy at all and I always find it a challenge to take on some of these tasks.  For example, I once tried to fix a dishwasher and somehow managed to rip the door off instead of completing any repair. This week, one of my projects was to install a new bathroom faucet.  After reading the instructions numerous times and watching a Youtube video over and over, I actually managed to successfully install the tap.  When I reflected on this endeavor, it reminded me that we always have the opportunity to find success, even though we may have struggled in the past.  When our students enter a class, they may have failed at a task multiple times before, but neither the students or the teachers can ever give up, since today could be the day they finally find success!

    I hope you all have a great Easter and enjoy the spring weather.
    Mr. Chomlak  

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